
  • Elementary students participate in a program called the “Peaceful School Bus.” This program is designed to reduce student behavior problems on our school buses. It will also create a sense of community and responsibility among students on each bus route. We hope this program will make your child’s experience on the bus easier and more enjoyable.

    Here is how the program works. Two to three times a year students on each school bus will gather together for a 45-minute meeting during the school day. They will get to know each other and learn how to act responsibly on the bus.  This program is a natural extension of our J-Town PRIDE efforts already in place. Bus drivers will join them in these meetings whenever possible. By taking the time to focus on this initiative, the students learn that bus drivers, teachers, and staff not only care about what happens in the classroom but also on the school bus. The students that attend Kids' Co, walk or bike, and are pickup students will also meet to learn about how to be safe, respectful, and responsible on their travel routes.

    As a parent/guardian, you have an important role in this program. If your child reports a problem on the bus to you, please let us know. We may also need to talk to you if your child’s behavior is contributing to the problem. We are doing this not to punish students, but to help them learn to be responsible members of their bus route group. Your help in educating your child about the program will be very important.

    Our goal is for students to ultimately view the bus as a rolling classroom and follow the same behavioral guidelines they would within the building.  Safety is obviously the top priority when transporting students so we have highlighted that area specifically.  One of the drivers said it best when he explained that bus seats are designed to protect people like seat belts do in cars.  Students wouldn’t think of taking their seat belts off and standing up in the car while it is moving, yet they often stand up and move around on the bus while it is in motion, which poses the same safety risks as unbuckling in the car.  Providing you with this information allows you to have conversations about transportation safety with your individual children.

    For more information, contact Molly Nefstead, JES School Social Worker at mnefstead@isd717.org or by calling 952-492-4288.

Peaceful Bus Events

  •   Peaceful Bus 3

      Peaceful Bus 2

      Peaceful Bus 4

      Peaceful Bus 1